Disney, baby!!!! Yes, oh yes! We woke up at a reasonable time, and the weather looked good, so we all got ready and left for Disneyland. We used the hotel shuttle to get to the subway, then took the dedicated Disneyland line to get there. We arrived around 10:30am, and it was already crowded and very hot! This is probably the hottest day we’ve had yet since arriving, and the sun is shining, so it’s going to be a warm one! One of the things HK Disneyland has been doing, is promoting Disneyland in mainland China. This has been successful, insofar as it has brought many Chinese to Disneyland. What has also happened, unfortunately, is that they have brought their local behavior to the park. For example, in China, people don’t do orderly waiting in line. They push and shove and cheat and bud in line. It’s not pleasant at all. They also make a bloody shameful mess in the bathrooms, which until this visit have always been “Disney clean”. This time around, they were filthy. In honour of the HK residents who died in the recent hostage taking in the Philippines, HK Disneyland has cancelled fireworks for tonight (see the sign). The entire city of Hong Kong is having a day of official mourning. The tragedy has really hit Hong Kong hard. In a city with a low crime rate, something so devastating has affected everyone. We sort of ended up splitting into teams, since Emily has a passion for the adult rides, and Stephy isn’t tall enough for some and is afraid of others. So, Stephanie and I did the kiddie rides, while Danny took Emily on Space Mountain the Race Car track, more than once! Me and Stephanie went on the Buzz Lightyear game/ride more than once!! She loves it. We also bought some drinks and walked around. By lunch time, we all went to one of the cafeteria style restaurants, and had different foods. The girls picked cheeseburgers! Yes, for real. Yes, living dangerously. I stuck with some kind of Malaysian curry, and Danny had beef brisket and rice. Nobody got sick, and we all left quite full, so it was fine. Oh yeah, and jello with fruit cocktail in a Mickey-shaped bowl for dessert! We formally split up in the afternoon, agreeing to meet in time for the 4:00 parade. First, Stephanie and I took a ride on the steam railway all the way around the park. It was a slow leisurely ride, and in spite of the heat, we really enjoyed the break. After that, my lovely daughter wanted to do the one thing I absolutely HATE about Disneyland. Yes, she wanted to stand in long lineups, in the 36 degree heat to take photos with characters!! So, that’s what we did. For hours. In the heat. And sunshine. Did I mention the HEAT?????? Check out the photos, though, as we really did have some fun with it. What we realized quickly, was that the mainland Chinese stood in line, and then stood with the character like a stick. No smiling, no sign of pleasure. It was very odd. So, I had told Stephanie to “have some fun with it”, play with the characters, smile and enjoy herself. As you can see, she did it. We found that the characters really enjoyed themselves much more with her than other kids, too! Emily and Danny headed back to TomorrowLand, yet again. Emily was keen on repeating the Race Track and Space Mountain, so that’s how they spent their afternoon. Lots of cool drinks later, the four of us met up at the parade area on Main Street. We sat for about 20 minutes until it was time to start. Now, all through the day, they had been announcing that the parade is called “Waterworks” and that you will get WET. They offered “Dry Zones” to watch the parade, if that’s your thing. In spite of that, this dumbass woman sat her kid next to Emily, in the front row of the audience, and proceeded to try her damndest to keep him from getting wet. She jammed a hat on his head, and kept pulling it down further and further. She tried holding an umbrella over his head. For real, in the crowd. Until I about pitched her damn umbrella into the bin, then she stopped. When Disney tells you you’ll get wet, you really will get wet!!!! And not a little bit wet, soaking wet, smiling wet, giggling wet!!! We had a great time!!!!!!! The parade was marvelous and wet!!! I don’t do well with stupid ignorant people. While Stephanie and I were standing in line for the Buzz Lightyear game, a Chinese woman kept pushing up behind us, and her “little Emperor” son kept trying to get ahead of us in line. More than once I pushed him back a bit, to make sure that we stayed ahead, but he wasn’t taking the “hint”. So, after once again having him end up in front of Stephanie, I got mad, shoved him back and stomped on his foot just as hard as I could. It was funny. He looked quite surprised. But, the didn’t try again! After the parade, and in spite of being absolutely exhausted, Emily wanted to go back to the Race Track again. We walked over, but the lineup was huge now, with a wait of about an hour, so we gave up. The kids spent some time in the Disney store, damaging my credit card! We walked back to the subway, although “walked” is a relative term. Actually Emily and Stephanie and I were dancing along, enjoying the music they have playing all along the walkway!! We had tons of people laughing and smiling along with us. It’s amazing how serious they all are, and how surprised they are that my kids are so carefree and happy! Back up to the hotel, and then quick change of clothes and back out for dinner. We went back to the good, inexpensive hotpot place. We had another really great meal, and everyone came back to the hotel full and happy. I suspect both kids will sleep soon and soundly. |