This would have been my grandmother’s birthday. Nothing
whatsoever to do with our travels, but it came into my mind today, so
there you go.
Today we left the Pan Pacific hotel in the heart of Singapore and traveled a short distance to Sentosa Island, the resort part of Singapore and the Shangri La hotel. The island is famous for a beach, Universal Studios, Underwater World, etc. Saying goodbye to the extreme luxury of the Pan Pacific wasn’t easy, especially that fabulous buffet for breakfast. I have never ever seen so many beautiful ethnic foods in one place, that were all absolutely delicious. Wow, this has not been a diet-friendly few days! We went for one last swim before heading out in the taxi across the city, and the girls reluctantly gave up the beautiful pool. Arriving at the Shangri La felt like a letdown. While the hotel is lovely, it’s no Pan Pacific for sure. The room we have is nice enough, but not special. However, when we walked around, we realized what makes this resort special….its the massive SWIMMING POOL! Wow, what a pool complex this place has. It spreads over a huge area, has froggy fountains, and even three water slides for the kids. Add in a fabulous splash pad and you get the beautiful picture. The kids and I had a quick and expensive buffet lunch at the hotel, which was good but not great, and then it was time to check out the pool. In fact they swam for several more hours before admitting they were exhausted. We didn’t really do much today, other than swim at the Pan Pacific, then taxi over to Sentosa, then swim at the Shangri La, but it felt like a good day nonetheless. The weather in Singapore has been absolutely fabulous since we arrived. They had been calling for storms almost every day, but we’ve seen barely a cloud in the sky and nothing but sunshine. The coolest day we’ve had was 36 degrees so far. Believe it or not, the kids wanted to stay in the hotel, and have dinner at the same expensive buffet. And believe it or not, it’s even MORE expensive for dinner than for lunch. Geez, going to need a mortgage to pay for the meals here! We called it an early lunch, with plans and hopes of getting to Universal Studios tomorrow. |