Today we slept in. Wow, did that ever feel fantastic. This
is until we figured out that we wanted to see the pink dolphin training at
UnderwaterWorld and that started at 11:00am. So we slept in, then we
rushed around!
Breakfast was the usual — eat too much because it’s a buffet and you can, then feel lethargic after. Just as we were about to walk over to UnderwaterWorld, the skies opened up and we got every drop of rain we haven’t seen since arriving in Singapore. But, it only lasted about 10mins. Seriously. Like the heavens were landing over our heads, and then sunshine. Weird, but in a good way! The dolphin training show was disappointing. We’d really wanted to have Emily do the “Swim with the dolphins” experience, but it is closed during the time we’re here. Figures. So, the training session was the only option available to us. The good thing was that it was free with admission, so the $10million that I paid to get in included it! Have I mentioned how freaking expensive Singapore is? Today? Because it bears repeating. Holy crap, I’ve been to way better places and spent way less money! Oh well, the indoor exhibits at UnderwaterWorld were actually way better than the outdoor dolphin training. Check out the photos! They had a “touch tank” where you could touch a shark, a puffer fish, a stingray, and a starfish. Surprisingly, neither Emily nor Stephy would even try, but I stuck my hand in and touched all the different fish. They were kinda awesome to touch. The shark was rough, and stingray really smooth and the starfish had a strange texture. It was pretty cool getting to do that though. They also had tanks over your head, that you walked through as a tunnel and saw full sized sharks and other fish. It was very cool. The kids went through more than once! After UnderwaterWorld, we headed back to the resort for more pool time. The kids are absolutely loving the pool complex here at Shangri La resort. Wait, did I mention that the gift shop at UnderwaterWorld has most of the girls’ college funds now? Yes, that’s right. We bought two t-shirts. Yikes, going to need to remortgage the house for the shirts. I digress. Swimming was terrific, with the sunshine holding out for us. We ordered some satay meat sticks to snack on at the poolside restaurant, and were good to go until dinner. Guess what the kids wanted for dinner? Hotel buffet? Why yes, you’re correct. Again. There goes another million dollars. Seriously, it’s $58 per adult, not including even a soft drink. Yikes, it definitely isn’t worth anywhere near that. The convenience factor is what they have going for them though, since my kids weren’t the only ones dragging a parent there! After dinner we wandered around the resort a bit, then called it a night. Tomorrow we fly back to Hong Kong, so we just have breakfast buffet (yeah again, stop laughing at me), then pack up and take a taxi to the airport. |